Phase I & Phase II Environmental Site Assessment

Property Transfers



Identify Contamination
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment:
Phase I ESA is an initial environmental assessment of any commercial or industrial property conducted prior to the purchase or transfer of property. The purpose of the assessment is to identify potential contamination of hazardous or polluted materials that may exist on the property. It is a non-invasive evaluation that involves interviewing people familiar with the property, performing a visual inspection and reviewing available records. The ESA survey typically includes the following:
• A review of local, state and federal environmental databases
• Visiting the site to identify past and current uses
• An observational inspection of the current site usage
• A review of the environmental history of the site
• Assembling a summary of the current environmental concerns in the area
• Collecting data through interviews with people associated with the site, and
• Documenting any observed potential environmental hazards.
Phase II Environmental Site Assessment:
When a Phase I ESA report shows a need for more investigation, a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment is conducted to gather more detailed information about the site and confirm if contamination is present. This assessment involves a detailed examination of the property, intrusive testing, and sampling of soil and/or groundwater, as well as more in-depth analysis of the environmental data.
The purpose of the Phase II assessment is to confirm the findings of Phase I ESA and to evaluate the extent of the contamination. It involves the following:
• Conducting Field Sampling including soil, groundwater, surface water, and sediment
• Conducting Chemical Data Analysis
• Report Preparation

Environmental Site Assessment Advantages
- Minimizing the risk of liability for environmental contamination associated with a particular property
- Property value by identifying potential contamination issues
- Increasing the chances of getting environmental liability insurance
Stages of phase I Environmental Site Assessment
Stages of phase II Environmental Site Assessment
Reasons Why You Choose Us To Protect Nature!

Crocus Environmental is an environmental engineering firm established in 2020.

We are a registered engineering firm with Engineers and Geophysicist Manitoba (EGM) and we are licensed and insured to practice engineering in the province of Manitoba.

Our diverse and experienced team is dedicated to providing quality environmental engineering to our clients.

For the past three years, Crocus Environmental has been developing an innovative phytoremediation-based process for leachate treatment.

The first phase of the project was completed in 2021 and the results were satisfactory.

Crocus is currently working with a client to construct a pilot scale process which to test this state-of-the-art leachate specific crop treatment strategy.